Causes and Home Remedies for Heart Disease

The heart is a vital organ of our body. It is the body that regulates our blood circulation and maintain a degree of purity of our blood. It takes oxygen-poor blood from different parts of the body and cleanses and provides distributed to every body. A major reason for heart disease, poor diet and eating habits is the bad condition of selection. Among drugs, stress, tension, worry about family or business partners, increases or decreases the heart rate, pain or infection of the heart are another common cause of heart problems. Poor eating habits can be dangerous because there are a number of heart problems such as hypertension (high blood pressure), atherosclerosis, heart attack, an enlarged heart, kidneys can be, and cause even race. Causes of heart disease : 1 . High levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and other fats and oils . 2 . Hypotension . 3 . Elevated blood levels of uric acid (mainly due to the high-protein diet) 4 . Some metabolic diseases such as diabetes . 5 . Obesity . 6...